IMDA and AI Verify Foundation finalise Governance Framework for Generative AI and launch Project Moonshot

On 30 May 2024, the Infocomm Media Development Authority (“IMDA”) and AI Verify Foundation (“AVF”) finalised the Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI in Singapore. On 31 May 2024, IMDA and AVF launched Project Moonshot, an open-source Large Language Models (“LLM”) evaluation toolkit to allow businesses to assess their AI applications in terms of performance and safety. This legal update outlines the key changes made to the finalised Model AI Governance Framework and provides an overview of Project Moonshot.

Legal […]

Pioneering AI Governance: A First Look into the Landmark EU AI Act

On 13 March 2024, the European Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act, the world’s first comprehensive legislation specifically designed to regulate artificial intelligence systems. This legal note offers an overview of the obligations introduced by the Act and outlines the preparatory steps that Singapore-based businesses and organisations deploying AI systems in the European Union should consider. The Act is expected to commence in the second or third quarter of 2024.

Pioneering AI Governance: A First Look into the Landmark EU AI […]

Overview of PDPC’s Advisory Guidelines on the Use of Personal Data in AI Systems

On 1 March 2024, the Personal Data Protection Commission released a new set of advisory guidelines to provide businesses with, among others, more clarity on the use of personal data to train or develop artificial intelligence (“AI“) systems, as well as data protection best practices for businesses implementing AI.

We provide a summary and brief commentary of the Guidelines here:

Legal Update: An overview of the NEW PDPC Advisory Guidelines on the use of Personal Data in AI Systems

Singapore – Trademark Protection for NFTs and Goods in the Metaverse

This client note highlights: (a) the key takeaways of the MetaBirkins case, Hermes Int’l v. Rothschild, (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 2, 2023); and (b) a recent circular published by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore that provided timely guidance on the topic of registering trademarks for NFTs and metaverse-related goods and services.

Singapore – Trademark Protection for NFTs and Goods in the Metaverse

New Partners

The firm is pleased to announce the appointment of the following individuals as Partners of the Firm with effect from 1 January 2017:

Ms Amelia Ang (Litigation Department)
Mr Michael Lim (Real Estate & Property Department)
Mr Freddy Lim (Intellectual Property Department)
Ms Evelyn Ong (Banking Department)
Mr Kenny Goh (Corporate Department)
Ms Liane Lim (Corporate Department)

We take this opportunity to congratulate our Partners on their new appointments.